Friday, November 22, 2013

College Kids and Balance

I was invited to speak at Middlebury College to students who wanted to listen to my presentation on work/life balance. It was fascinating and interactive and this is what I learned.

  • They feel like they work too much, and school work overrides every other energy pod
  • They are aware that they leak energy in technology, but do not have good modeling behavior to learn otherwise.
  • They learned that compliments can be a disarming tool for negative behavior. They practiced how to give an authentic compliment.
  • They understood that when this plan is used correctly, there is no guilt about having or not having energy. One girl wrote on her paper, "Guilt is dumb".
  • They struggle with commitments, either having too many or none at all. Having nothing to do on a weekend causes them anxiety.
  • Decisions are difficult for them, and they feel frustrated by how to go about making larger life decisions on classes, study abroad programs, and jobs. They want to know where to put these energy points. (Work)
  • They realized that they dont spend enough time being inspired, and want to figure out how to fit that in.
  • They learned that sometimes you have to say to someone, "That doesn't work for me".  You don't have to go along with something that is causing more stress than you can handle. We role played an interaction where a demanding project mate wants to do "their" version, and learned how to stop the energy leak and turn the interaction around.
Everyone struggles with similar energy imbalances, whether you are a 50 year old woman with teenagers, or a college student with newfound independence. The 50 Point Energy Plan works for everyone. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

On the Road....

The 50 Point Energy Plan is hitting the road!

I am thrilled and excited about teaching The 50 Point Energy Plan on Monday to Middlebury College Students. The college years are a great time to start thinking about work/life balance, and how to spend your energy in the ways that you want and need in order to stay out of chronic energy depletion. Chronic energy depletion will lead to illness. 

The stories of kids who get run down and get mono, or bronchitis, or generally don't feel well can absolutely begin with more stress, more work, and imbalance of the other energy pods. My job as a speaker is to let them know that they have the power to manage their energy, to know when enough is enough, and to track their energy use.

I am excited to hear what they have to say about energy leaking while at school, the difficulties they have managing their different energy pods, and how technology is affecting their health. The topic of technology is important to me, and I put it in the Environment pod. Limiting and using your technology points is essential to be balanced.

Again, the energy pods are Commitments, Health, Environment, Work and Inspiration. My instinct is that they will feel that Work is the most overused pod and either environment or inspiration is the least used. I will let you know what energy struggles are for 18-22 year olds after I meet with them. I can assure you that their energy struggles are real, and they are impacting their health. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Balance and Health: The Connection

The connection between personal energy balance and health is undeniable.

When you are out of balance, overwhelmed, and in a cycle of chronic energy depletion you are more likely to become physically ill.


Your immune system is overwhelmed, your fight and flight hormones are raging, your calming/bonding hormones are not released into your system, your sleep is affected, and your body generally feels run down.

My mission is to give you a system to notice your personal energy Before You Feel Out of Balance.
The 50 Point Energy Plan is a way to trend how you are currently using your energy, and a way to fill the gaps in your energy balance to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

I can show you study upon study where the immune system becomes depleted due to stress. I think most of us are aware that this happens and we can almost our own predict illness. Haven't you ever said, "Watch, now I am going to get sick on top of all this going on".

I am on a mission to keep you as healthy as possible and am developing a tool to make that happen.

Friday, November 8, 2013

A few words from our sponsors.....

Dream sequence........If I were to write a cheesy Infomercial on Energy......

Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and burnt out?
Need to find more energy somewhere?

Look no further than The 50 Point Energy Plan.
This plan slices and dices your energy so that you can use it!

Get this feeling! Order now and receive not one, but two!

Limited time offer. 
Contact Sara Daly for more details and shipping costs.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Visualize Balance

This is my image of balance. When I asked others their image, I heard the scales of justice, a sandy beach, floating, a yoga pose, walking on a balance beam. Have an image in your head so when you feel like "OUTOFCONTROL!!" you can use your image to ground you.

Here is another quick visualization tip: When you visualize something, whether it be a brand new car, a quiet beach, or strong abs, your brain lights up. The areas of your brain that are used for pleasure and reward light up whether you are actually receiving the reward or if you are visualizing it. Read that again. What an amazing tool.

You get the benefit from imagining what you want as if you have already gotten it. That's why we feel good when we think of the things we want to do once we win the lottery. Try it with other parts of your life.

The first part to having the things you want in life is to actually know what they are first! Visualizing narrows down your desires so that you brain can focus and start to find the positive things you want and need in your life.

More on this tomorrow when we talk about how once you buy a new car, you see about 100 a day on the road when you never saw them before.

Monday, November 4, 2013


a state in which a body or object remains reasonably steady, a state in which various elements form a satisfying and harmonious whole and nothing is out of proportion or unduly emphasized at the expense of the rest.

 A state of emotional and mental stability in which somebody is calm and able to make rational decisions and judgments.

This is the definition of balance that I use when teaching The 50 Point Energy Plan. The parts of the definition that makes the biggest impact for me is "reasonable steady". Balance does not imply perfection. Nothing is "unduly emphasized at the expense of the rest". Balance is "rational decisions and judgements". 
These are some of the core principles of the plan. 

If you were to draw a picture of balance, what would that image look like? 
Leave me your thoughts and I will post a photo tomorrow of my balance image.

Why 50?

What does 50 have to do with the plan? Good question.

The goal of The 50 Point Energy Plan is to give you something tangible to work with while describing your energy.  The concept of personal energy is like trying to collect clouds and put them in a box. I wanted to give you a numbers system to quantify your feelings of energy.

In this plan, every morning when you wake up, you have 50 energy points. So does everyone else on the planet. Through research, listening, and coaching clients with chronic energy depletion, I have found that energy use and depletion is focused into 5 main categories, or as I say, energy pods.

Those pods of energy are Commitments, Health, Environment, Work, and Inspiration.

The plan gives you 10 points to use in each category. The goal: to use all 10 in each per day without going over. This gives you "Balance" which keeps you out of chronic energy depletion, and keeps you from getting ill. In my next post, I will describe the my definition of balance, so stay tuned.

Tomorrow morning I start case studies with 3 women who are hoping to transform their energy by completing a 6 week intensive program in personal energy research. I am so excited about it as I cannot wait to write about these moments that they will share with me, and ultimately the reader.

Please comment as you wish below as it helps my blog to be discussed and shared.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Do you take better care of your Washing Machine than Yourself?

Would you like to feel more balanced and healthy?
Do you wish there was an easy formula for success?

After years of thinking about this problem, which happens to every human on the planet, I realized that I needed to come up with a solution. My solution to chronic energy depletion is The 50 Point Energy Plan.

Besides the fact that chronic energy depletion sounds terrible, it is in fact is terrible. Chronic energy depletion causes illness and disease. There is no nobility in using more energy than we have. There is no reason to feel like we live an unbalanced life. Most of us don't realize we are unbalanced until our bodies yell at us to stop.

You know the reaction when you put a large load of sheets in the washer? And you think to yourself, maybe there is too much in this load, but oh well. 20 minutes later you hear the unbalanced washer smashing itself against the dryer. Your body has a similar reaction when you are unbalanced, throwing stress hormones and high blood pressure around in your body.

When we hear the washer moaning, we go fix it. We re-arrange the load and start it again. We wait to see if its ok, as we know that sometimes we have to open it again and redistribute.

When you are unbalanced, you need to fix it. Immediately. Figure out where you are unbalanced. Have strategies in place to change it today.

That is what The 50 Point Energy Plan is: your solution to the problem of misused energy.

Contact Sara Daly at or 802-349-8620 for more details on how to manage energy personally, for corporations, and for speaking opportunities.