But we are still in the unstructured pattern of the holidays.
This morning I woke up not sure what day it was, my responsibilities, my commitments, it was all overwhelming. As I made my coffee, I got a quick visual in my head:
My energy indicator was lit up warning me.
Low energy. Brake. Check in.
So I did. How did I do that?
I told a friend at work that my indicator light went off.
I thought about my energy use for the rest of the day.
I packed a lunch to be sure I had fuel.
I delegated and let go of the little things.
By letting someone in on my energy level, she was able to watch my back. She did it without much to do, but she was able to help me take my own edge off. By thinking about how much energy I had, I was able to not get frustrated and overwhelmed. I ate on time and didn't feel depleted. I felt like I was able to accomplish a lot without using my energy due to delegating (I had movers come clean out a room at the spa today, hired a painter, asked my assistant to do all my marketing tasks, and had made a list of to dos at home that all got done, like the Christmas tree is down). That's a tall order for someone on empty.
Learn to see your warning light and listen to the alert. Then have a plan to correct easily.
Your tool to use is The 50 Point Energy Plan.