To turn toward something is to accept it. If I can steer you toward a feeling at the moment after your massage, I want it to be balance. I turn you toward it to allow you to realize that it can be attainable, and that even as we lose sight of it (we always do), that maybe just a gentle movement toward balance is enough for you to feel better and stay healthy.
The concept of The 50 Point Energy Plan is to calmly and rationally turn you toward balance. I imagine it in my mind as a "thing" like an Italian marble fountain. The fountain is the center of those 5 circles: where Commitments, Health, Environment, Work and Inspiration all converge.
When you work too much, you get away from the fountain of balance. When you are over committed, you can't even hear the water, never mind see the fountain. You lose perspective and feel lost.
50 Points is a tool. A way to figure out where the path is to get you turned around and headed toward balance.